Hot Pants!

For some reason, I have been craving a good laugh lately. Even today, after coming home from work, I was all over the comedy channel, jibjab and youtube trying to find jokesters whom I could get my fix from.

And then I stumbled upon this short film that I used to love. It came out around seven years ago, I think. You see, in the late 90’s, before Youtube, there was Hypnotic, a place where you could watch short films. I found this one on there when it first came out. But Hypnotic disappeared and it was gone for a while. I was glad to find out it’s available on youtube today.

But I won’t ruin it for you. If you have about eight minutes to spare, this one will be worth your time, I promise. It goes by pretty quick.

Oh, just when you thought it couldn’t get worse… uhh, the ending’s an absolute riot!! You’ll see.

Laughing… 87 billion hours a day

I love a good laugh and I try to have one every chance I get. I’m finding myself reminiscing of the old stand-up shows I used to catch a lot of back in my L.A. days. Last night, I scoured youtube for some classic comedy routines I was familiar with. Most of them were from SNL. You know, more cowbell, chopping broccoli, Belushi and Carey. But I remember this particular one which I actually saw live some fifteen years ago. It’s the late Richard Jeni  making fun of love songs on the radio. You might remember it yourself. I’ve seen him do this several times, and even though this one right here doesn’t provide the greatest punchlines, from what I can remember, he still pulls it off perfectly, I think. This is hilarious.

It’s a classic. So, laugh with me, will ya?